Sales Reports Manual





1. Sales Reports 1.1 Sales Reports Overview
1.2 Sales Reports
1.3 Order Reports
1.4 Quote Reports
1.5 Invoice Reports
1.6 Despatch Reports
1.7 Credit Notes Reports
1.8 End User Reports


1. Sales Reports

1.1 Sales Reports Overview

The link to the Sales Reports exists on the Customers menu.

The desired report is selected via a radio button. All reports are generated for a selected date range. The relevant report specific filters will become available as the report is selected and can then be selected. The last filter selections by the user for each report is persisted by the system.

Report lines usually has a context menu that allows you to drill down into a section, with the selected line item becoming the root item of the new report.


1.2 Sales Reports

Sales by Sales Consultant Company View 

List sales invoices, grouped by sales consultants, with sub-totals. A total summary is also provided. Certain functions are available, per invoice, via a context menu. These include – View Invoice, Profitability, Payment Details, Properties, Documents, Delivery Note, Packing List, Print, Capture Payment, View Payment Notes, Payments Made or Cancel Invoice. 

Sales by Sales Consultant Branch View

Same as above, with an added Branch filter. Can contain duplicates as Sales Consultant can have Sales for different branches. 

Sales by Sales Consultant Less Customers Not Seen 

Lists (commissionable) sales totals, to Customers in selected Regions, for selected sales consultants. A total summary is also provided. An option is also provided to include the list of sales invoices. 

Sales by Sales Consultant by Customer Category 

List sales invoices, grouped by Customer Category, for selected sales consultants. A total summary is also provided. 

Sales Matrix

An “all-in-one” sales report that is able to filter by, display and group by multiple different selections and combinations. Display and Group By options include: Customer Groups, Reps, Customers, Product Categories, Products and Invoices. Options include to include customers without sales and to display Values and/or Volumes. Sorting is available in the report as well. 

Sales Journal 

List sales invoices for the selected date range. A total summary is also provided. 

Sales Journal by Account 

Sales Journal, grouped by account. 

Customer Monthly Sales 

List Customers, with monthly sales and total, for the selected date range. 

Sales Summary per Consultant

List Sales Consultants, with monthly sales and total, for the past 12 months. 

Customer Annual Sales Change % 

Lists Customer annual sales, along with a percentage change from previous year, for the last 12 years. An annual average per customer is also displayed. 

These Customer summaries are grouped under the respective Sales Consultant and sub-totals are provided along grand totals at the end of the report. 

Options include to include only customers with a filter percentage change that is greater that or smaller as a supplied value as well as the year end month to use. 

Sales by Customer by Product Category

Lists a monthly summary of Values and Volumes per Sales Consultant. 

A menu option allows you to view a break-down of Customers. 

A further menu option allows you to view a break-down of Categories. 

Gross Profit by Customer by Product 

Lists a monthly summary of gross profit per Sales Consultant. A menu option allows you to view a break-down of Customers. A further menu option allows you to view a break-down of Categories. 

Gross Profit by Sales Consultant

Lists a monthly summary of gross profit per Sales Consultant.


1.3 Orders Reports


Lists Orders and can be filtered by Accounts on and not on Hold.

Customer Orders Outstanding Company View 

Lists active orders with a total summary.

Customer Orders Outstanding Branch View 

Lists active orders with a total summary. Can include duplicates as Sales Consultants can place order for different Branches.

Customer Orders by Sales Consultant 

Lists active orders with a total summary. Grouped by Sales Consultants and with sub-totals.

Inter Warehouse Stock Orders

List of inter-warehouse stock orders.

Orders Placed Summary

Lists summary of amount and value of Orders per Sales Consultant. Grouped per day for selected date range with a sub-total per day.

Customer Orders Placed on the Website

Lists active Orders placed via the Web site.


1.4 Quote Reports

Active Quotes by Sales Consultant and User

Lists active Quotes.

Quotes by Sales Consultant and Customer Category

Summary of Quotes per Sales Consultant with a grand total. Values include total amount and value of Quotes done, converted and percentage converted. Includes grouping by Customer Groups and Total for Sales Consultant.


1.5 Invoice Reports

Scanned Invoices

List of Invoices, with scanned documents, for the selected date range.

Invoices Not Scanned

List of Invoices, without scanned documents, for the selected date range.

Zero Rated Invoices

Lists Invoices and Credit Notes, for Zero-Rated customers, for the selected date range.


1.6 Despatch Reports

Drivers Summary

Lists summary of amount and value of Invoices delivered per Driver. Grouped per day for selected date range with a sub-total per day.

Dispatch Summary

Dispatch Summary including Average Delivery Time and Percentage Delivery on Time per warehouse / branch. Also includes delivery details like orders, picking and outstanding orders for today per warehouse.

Sales by Driver

Lists sales for a driver according to trip sheet deliveries.

Shipping Details (broken)

Lists Orders shipped using waybills.

Orders Picked by User

List Orders Picked, grouped by User with sub-totals of amount of Orders and time taken, with a grand total.

Picking Summary

Lists summary of amount sessions and value of Orders picked per User. Grouped per day for selected date range with a sub-total per day of total sessions and value.


1.7 Credit Notes Reports

Credit Notes

Lists Credit Notes for selected date range with a total.

Credit Notes Reason Report

Summary of amount and percentage of Credit Notes per month for the last year, grouped by reason.


1.8 End User Reports

End User Sales Report

Lists Invoices, for and grouped by Dealer Partners with sub-totals, for selected date range. Includes Grand Total.